i tend to cook when i don't have anything to do. or other crazy things.
i bought the whole bobbi brown brush set. i'm so nervous about my credit card bill. lord help me.
then, i bloghopped (my favorite time killer and anxiety remover) and look what i have found. such an inspiration.

ok, for those who don't know bryanboy yet, lemme introduce him to you. he's a filipino (like me!) blogger & entrepreneur. not only marc jacobs love him but every single gay famous person you know loves him. :) he's a fab writer. so funny. although he sometimes talk bad about the philippines (not that it's the perfect country), i still give him A+ for honesty. he buys designer bags or clothes like they're from h&m, he travels as if there's no tomorrow and he makes blogging for me so inspiring and entertaining. check him out. he kinda likes the attention!
isn't this our very dream people? that somehow, someday our favorite person in the world or role model whatevs, would read our simple blog? (i haven't really decided yet who my favorite person is, but i'll let you know if i do.)