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Wow! I am totally amazed at some basic research on the Heather Ross’ Lightning Bugs fabric line. Now, trust me… I’m no dummy to just how expensive certain prints can run a person for this line, but holey COW! I have seen recent prices range from $18.00 for a fat quarter - $40.00 a yard. This is the worst type of offense… fabric price gauging! I love her stuff to, but shoot… this is plain criminal!

Which has led me to giving a lot of thought as to how to pick the winner for my giveaway tomorrow evening… and I had a couple ideas… first, have my son pick a random number and who’s name & contact info that fall on that number… would be the winner… second, write down all the names of all the entries and pick out of a hat { which would be very timely }, or I thought maybe you’d have some suggestions…

After realizing I’m giving away apparent liquid gold… I thought maybe you’d like a chance to voice your opinions??? I look forward to hearing from you!