we went to fabulous dinners with lots of chatter, laughs and more mojitos...
the rat pack ( shh... i blame them for all the trouble produced!!! naughty, naughty kids they are ) hehe...
mr. naughty... himself ( don't let the smile fool ya... he kept up real well!! ) ;)
little miss trouble maker herself... with that certain blog post!
yes, i'm in a man sandwich... i told ya... this was a very serious trip.
and... well here's some loot, swag, free shiz... whatever you'd like to call it. and this is also where the fun starts for you!... my next post will be a give-a-way! i'll be posting photo's of my beloved online friends... you'll have to name them all to enter this give-a-way!!... may take some time, however...
you'll be finding a very nice prize full of quilt market hits coming your way! study up and get ready!! now i'm off to clean my house ( boys??? haha ), answer a ton of emails and prepare for The Pillow Talk { Swap } #4!!
xo, Heather