Blog Archive

i've died.

and gone straight to the coast!!! whoo-hoo!!! even my silly chest cold couldn't stop me from diving into this! ( which let me say right this second... thanks for all the well wishes!!  you guys are the BESTest!! and for my sister sickies... hope you all get better super soon too!!  xoxoxo )

Okay... back to the sweet goodness that is this line!!... have you seen the { Going Coastal } collection from Miss Emily at Crazy Old Ladies Quilts before?? this was THE up and coming collection that i've personally been waiting for since i saw it debut at Salt Lake City Quilt Market! i loved lots of the new lines... of course, i am a sick fabric junkie after all... but, this is the one i'm using for my youngest new bedroom!

isn't it just FAB! it's so Oregon Beach ( inset squealing voice here! ) that i'm in stinking heaven! damn, it's good to have a work-a-holic husband sometimes! LOL it's gonna be play time in my house all weekend!

oh yeah... that's some laminates for me too! ( wink, wink )

here's to a great weekend kids! have fun... i sure know i will, now that the mail arrived!

Xo, Heather