hey there you guys. just sneaking out of the baby´s room to update. i just finished feeding him and he´s now off to dreamland. the baby phone is on, so anytime i hear him, i am gone.
i am officially a MOMMY WITHOUT SLEEP.
it´s hard and i am coping.
i had a normal birth but with anesthesia and his head had to be vacuumed out of me since he didn´t want to get out. must have been good inside me, huh? and so for the vacuum to get in, they had to cut. and sew. so my birth was not really that normal. ;) it still hurts when i walk or sit down but everytime i look at miguel and he smiles (i know he doesn´t mean it yet), all the pain i had and the lack of sleep easily washed away.
the boyfriend has been very supportive, thank god. he is now thinking of being a chef because he now cooks for us while i feed the baby. sometimes he gets so scared at every little sign that the baby isn´t well. he freaks out when the baby cries while he´s changing the diaper. he googles every single thing and then comes to me with all the facts he has read. stressful i know, but very cute. that needs a different post.
i have been photographing every single moment with him, scrapbooking with the little time i have when he sleeps and juggling the house work that has piled up since i was in the hospital. people come everyday to see the baby, which is very nice but sometimes stressful. we need to make coffee or tea, prepare everything, and i can´t feed the baby when there´s somebody watching.
i hope i will catch up with you guys really soon, but as of the moment, miguel is on the top of the list and if this means stop blogging, then i will do it. i would even sell my soul just to make that little boy happy. and if ever i have to choose between my shoes and miguel, well, you know the answer right?
so if i start writing about diaper genies and the perfect carseats, would you still read my blog?
i guess not.