the outdated me finally got this balenciaga knock off. it looks good, but has this weird length where it's too long to be a top and too short to be a dress. hehe. i might have to experiment with this one.
the boyf got this funny singing toy for miguel last week. it's winnie the pooh but sounds like my grandpa. haha. :)
i placed the singing grandpa to my tummy hoping he remembers this song when he comes out and be able to sleep fast as soon as he's out as he was sleeping in my tummy while listening to this song. i can't tell the difference if he's annoyed or if he liked it. the doctor told me some babies do remember sounds. it's less than 20 days and i am literally counting the seconds until i see my baby boy. funny how my boyfriend found this adorable and videoed me like thousand times. i look like a dork but who cares.