dress: pimkie
bag: thrifted
gladiators: zara
since i find it impractical to buy clothes now (although this dress is an exception, its a size s which i think would still fit good after i lose the baby weight), i resorted to buying shoes everytime i had the chance. and trust me, there's always a way for shoes to catch my attention, online or on-store. hihi. the gold gladiators were on sale at zara so i got them. and they turrn out to be pretty comfortable, so, worth it. and weird enough, buying heels (i can barely step into them, let alone walk in them) seems to be so practical to me this time, although it's really NOT. the last three days i bought four shoes with heels. yeah right.

the baby's pram came today. its orange and brown. very cool. and i practiced walking with it in my heels. haha. i looked good on the mirror. dunno in real life. we'll see.