Blog Archive

Calling number 35

Well... I'm not going to lie! During this past week of destash give-a-ways and purchases... I have actually grown my stash! Yep... you heard it right!!! I got so excited by the amount of fabric leaving my home... I thought, "Hey... I can get a little more... a little more won't hurt anyone, right???" Five shipping packages later, a trip to one quilt store hidden off the beaten path, and I'm in a worse packing condition then before... But, on a lighter note... I'm super happy and that counts for something, right??? { wink, wink }

Random Integer Generator
Here are your random numbers:

Timestamp: 2009-05-05 04:09:48 UTC

{{{Love the selection - thanks for the chance!

April 28, 2009 3:15 PM

Rebecca said...
I follow :)

Congrats Rebecca!!! Thanks to everyone who entered!!! I'm already think about ideas for my next one ;)