Blog Archive

good times!

i've had quite a bit of good times this week! i've finally been able to work on this fabulous quilt top that miss Nova sent me last year! i lOVE the wonky string quilt with the Anna Maria Horner fabrics!! i just have to finish up stitching the binding and it's crinkle time! ;) Thanks Nova!! it will always be treasured in my home!

i have also just finished up my last 2 virtual quilting bee blocks! and by last 2... i mean { both } rounds are now over. ;P i can't say enough about how wonderful it is to participate in a VQB... they build skills, introduce new friends, and always keep you inspired! if you have yet to join one, jump over here and shake & bake! they are a party!!

Amanda's - [Bee]-autiful Quilting Bee

Nettie's - { Bee } Imaginative - A Virtual Quilting Bee

i also, had my first Tutorial for the Pillow Month featured on

Sew Mama Sew!


Suzy won my heart with this suggestion ( it really was a perfect match ) and since she mentioned it first... she's my pick! Suzy, send me your addy and your favorite color! xoxo

bulabean said...
I was going to suggest Shyla but someone beat me to it! Sweet hot yams in the urban dict. ..Very funny :)

Thanks for all your suggestions... they were REALLY funny!! haha ;)

XO, Heather