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i'm retiring

I’m retiring from Flickr. Although I’ve had a lot of fun and truly cherish the real relationships that I have been blessed to have formed through the communities I help establish…I have been increasingly dishearten by the lack of grace given back to one another from what I believed ( naively enough ) was a community of giving crafters. When this journey started… all I was looking for was a little group of honest, kind, generous crafters to have a place to come together and be able to share their crafts in a social setting of true support… instead I found deep politics, rivalry, unkind gossip, and a lack of grace. Now… of course where there is bad there is good… ( and you all know who you are! ), but just simply… not enough for me to continue putting in the effort that Kerri and I have done this past year trying to bring more beauty into our community.

I will continue with my current obligations… but I will no longer be administration of any of my groups. Kerri has generously said that she would continue are groups and I do hope that she won’t allow the unkindness of the virtual world to force her hand as well… it would be quite a shame.

I know this may come as a shock to many of you who felt I was some kind of glory seeking, wanna be crafting celebrity, ruler of the quilting Flickr world… but you pegged me all wrong… all the time… that’s not my game or how I roll. I’m the quite opposite of all those assumptions and my leaving is the only way I can prove my true intentions to this community and myself.

Thanks… it’s been quite a ride!
Xo, Heather